Monday, March 11, 2013

Still need a beta reader

I will be doing a lot of writing this week, and I still need a beta reader for what I already had. Leave a comment if you're interested in reading over the material and making suggestions. It helps a lot if you've read Animorphs. Updated story files below. I really think the characters are coming together. I've spent longer on Caz and Jasper than any others I ever did, and as weird as this is, they really mean a lot to me. I know them better than I know almost anyone for real. I think one reason I have so much trouble editing is that I have trouble bringing myself to talk about them as fictional. They're just so real to me. Even more so after I wrote this.


I've spent time on the others, too. Isaac in particular has always been one of my favorites- so much that he'll be back in one of the stories I haven't worked on yet. There's also a short piece I've been considering with him, but that probably won't get done for this. In the meantime, Caz and Jasper and Cynthia continue to live on in my mind.

Found these pics online a while ago. I thought they represented these three characters really well and altered them slightly to fit the story.

Jasper (just ignore the blue circle on this one- that was a mistake by my editing program


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